"Li'l Hoocher"
Builder by: Jim Garubba (plastimatic) – Sterling, VA
A different way to get gassed.
I took a Li’l Gasser, sidelined the second differential and the gasoline hauler tank, replaced them with a real wood flatbed and a scratched together crate of mountain magic, all set on the shortened frame.
The rest of the chassis is stock… and you can’t get more basic than a primer red cab. The bed and crate were pieced together from coffee stirrers (ain’t recycling fun?), stained with acrylics. The rails are modified stash donors (probably a Li’l Yeller). The hooch jars are from the craft bin.
Tempting as it may be, no sampling the wares while on a delivery run!!/350Lil-Hoocher_2812.jpg) /350Lil-Hoocher_2819.jpg) /350Lil-Hoocher_2807.jpg) |