Built by: Bill Horton
The Tijuana taxi was built almost box stock. It was painted with Testors two step laquer from a spray bomb; the interior airbrushed Tamiya purple. I added an aftermarket distributor and spark plug wires and sanded the tire treads. I went light on the decals. (by the way, the decals in both kits were superb) I painted the horns off white and gave them a very thin yellow ochre oil wash; they look like ivory and I was happy with the effect. I entered the model at Baycon 2009 (Bay Colony modelers IPMS, MA) in the rod and custom category; Tijuana Taxi earned 3rd against a large field over over 20 cars, many highly modified. I'd never received two awards in the same category before. (Rommel Rod #4)
Thanks for posting this.
I love your site and its given me a lot of motivation. Show car models are a lot of fun to build.
