Bad Medicine

Built by: Boban Arsic [Hobbybobby]

Doctor Daniel's macabre version for home delivery of drugs to your door.

This was one of TDs hot rodded work truck designs, featuring the popular old truck delivery C-cab.

He related this to the old medicine wagon of the West, where a guy would come through town with his "snake oil" or bad medicine.

It's the wild west medicine wagon on steroids!

Imagine a prescription delivery toy our door at over 200 mph.

This sanitary speedster with the long, low dragster look is pepped-up by eye-catching goodies like the steer horns on the front, skull and bones on the rear, and skeleton in the driver's seat.

BAD MEDICINE...just what the doctor ordered!

I love this kit and had already built it a few times.

It is also best for kitbashing.

Here is another version of the original.

Apart from the rear wheels, that are now a bit wider and the colors, it is built boxstock.

The exterior color is a dark mica blue, with a few layers of clear.

The engine is a purple blue (RAL 4005) and its wired.

The interior is in a similar color as the motor, but done with matte colors and by FMDBT (Fred Melini Dry Brush Technique).

By the same technique were also pepped-up the eye-catching goodies, like the Bull skull on the front, skull and bones on the rear, the Parachute and the skeleton in the driver's seat.

Hope, you like it.


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