Built by: Pontiac
Jack in Australia
Started with a $3.00 glue bomb Beer Wagon about 6 years ago, this
was originally going to be a 6 wheel ramp truck.
The original chassis was cut off behind the cab then replaced with
a new scratch built frame. It was then put in moth balls for about 5
years until I found this web site. This time around I built it as a
bike transporter.
- SCRATCH BUILT: Chassis, bed, rear axles, coil-over shocks, ladder
bars, push bar, tail shaft, accelerator and brake pedals, head rests,
steering column and windscreens.
- INTERIOR: Seat modified '48 Woody, Steering wheel cut down "50 Chev
p/u. Dash '65 Mustang. Shift lever is a hammer from the parts box.
- WHEELS: Paddy Wagon.
- TIRES: Rear- Heavy Hugger. Front -Fujimi. ENGINE: Headers are narrowed
and shortened with new outlets-scratch built. Scoop P/L Badboy.
- HEADLIGHTS: Paddy Wagon on scratch built posts.
- FRONT SUSPENSION: Kit axle narrowed and coils shortened. FUEL TANK:
AMT Willys.
- DECALS: Parts box WIRING: Guitar strings and craft beads.
- BIKES: Modified Fastlane diecast choppers. Sissy bars removed, seats
cut down, new handle bars from piano wire, rear guards shortened,
front guard scratch built (silver bike) parts box air cleaners and
tail lights.
- PAINT: I tried to stick with Harley corporate colours (orange,
black and white) Dupli-color paints used on interior and body. Testors
metalizers used everywhere else.
